Heavy Duty

Experience unparalleled off-road driving in Off-road Truck Simulator: Heavy Duty Challenge®.


Role: Lead Product Designer
Platform: PC | X-Box | Playsation
Expertise: UI | UX | Art Directing | Team leading
Client: Nano Games
Time: 2021-2023

“Experience unparalleled off-road driving in Offroad Truck Simulator: Heavy Duty Challenge®. This game delivers an exhilarating off-road experience with an extensive fleet of massive and powerful trucks.”

My Responsibilities:

As a hands-on Lead Product Designer, I managed the team of senior designers and was responsible for the design and implementation of UX/UI and, the design of the product. Skills used:

Visual Design: Art Directing - Cinematic Directing - Font Design - Icon Design - Logo Design - - Motion Design - Prototyping - Storyboarding - 3D Modelling and Rendering

User Experience: UX Design - GUI Design - A/B Testing - User Research - Wire-framing - Interface Programming - Market Research - Surveys

Leadership: Team Management - Style Guide Creation - Documentation writing - Production Scheduling

The process

My design process involves multiple interconnected stages as illustrated in this diagram. It starts with user immersion and empathy-building activities to deeply understand the target audience. 

HDC Process
Research and design doc

Although I am not a driving game fan, I invested time in building empathy with the product and its community by watching related YouTube videos and streams, reading comments, and learning about industry challenges.

Surveys and User Persona

I Collaborated with marketing on research to build detailed user personas. We conducted surveys, analysed social media, and synthesised data to understand target users' motivations and expectations.

User Flow 2021
The Greyscale Prototype

I proposed greyscale prototypes as the fastest way to turn ideas into tangible discussion pieces. These basic, low-fidelity wireframes allow me to quickly visualise and test core layout and structural concepts without getting bogged down in visual details too early.

Visual design

We started visuals and decided to work on the logo. The old one (not presented here) was a bit dated and we decided to refresh it.

The Design System

I began with fundamentals like typography, grids, and colours, and then built from there. The design system supported PC, console, various resolutions, and multi-monitor.

We created two custom fonts containing all in-game icons and console buttons used in settings and tooltips.

User Flow 2021
I chose clear, readable fonts like Work Sans and Roboto Condensed to align with user expectations. Icons kept a consistent circular style for visual cohesion.
Universal Component

To simplify the interface I created a reusable "universal component". It was possible to turn on and off functions of this component and reuse them accordingly. Once we used it to display events next time to show "new career". It was a true time saver and programmers were very happy with this idea.

The universal component in action below.

3D Icons

I created icons to break the "flatness" of the UI and to make it more appealing to our target audience.

Icons were rendered in Blender 3D

The Implementation
Visual design

The H.U.D and implementation of the UI in VS
I used my favourite 12-column grid as a starting point and added margins from all sides.

Implementation of the GUI

I provided specifications to programmers about constraints, resolutions, and responsiveness.

My task in Visual Studio was to prepare all components for binding. We created and tested them for responsiveness and scaling.

XAML is a scripting language developed by Microsoft. We used it to describe elements of our GUI for NoesisGUI, a third-party framework we used to render GUI in our game. NoesisGUI has some great features. It supports full-vector Bezier rendering and animations created in VS or AE(Lottie).

The interface structure

The interface used a screen/popup structure. Main screens flowed into popups for confirming actions like purchases or deletions.

Chinese, Arabic and Cyrillic alphabets were also supported

Visual Direction

After analyzing the market trends, I proposed a duotone logo with a white accent.
The combination of yellow and black is often linked to the construction industry and warning signs.

I created style guides for other designers and partners.

I’ve been also in charge of marketing deliveries. From key art for the box (which I’ve made) to t-shirts.

The Outcome

This project was an absolute joy to work on. We accomplished a lot with a relatively small team and learned even more. I loved every moment of this enriching experience and want to thank the entire team. 

Copyright 2024 - Adam Jedrzejewski - All Rights reserved.
All product names, logos, and brands are the property of their respective owners. All company, product and service names used in this website are for identification purposes only. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement.